It arrived! THE kit. THE inspiration behind the whole P.O.D. WHOO HOO : ) Was it worth the "dough"? Well ask me down the road. But I am really excited to start putting this together. I'll let ya know how it goes.
Thanks for visiting our POD's Page. POD is a project posters on this page have taken on, called Photo of the Day! The idea is to take a picture each day. It could be of anything that has something to do with your day.
Members with POD's!
Michelle Bell "I started doing this from the advice of my sister. It's been a lot of fun but has taken over my personal blog! I started this blog to put my POD's all in one place. I decided to invite friends who are taking on the same task as posters as well. I hope you enjoy! I am sure I will."
Serenity Stewart "My wonderful friend Michelle gave me the idea to do this. It’s been a lot of fun to have a "reason" to take pictures everyday. Enjoy!!!"
Susan Hill "I got the POD idea when looking through my Creating Keepsakes magazine. A lady named Becky Higgins ( came up with the idea and called it "Project 365". I thought it seemed like an awesome way to scrapbook, journal, and become a better picture taker all wrapped into one cool idea. I just hope I keep up with it, maybe doing it with others like this will help keep me motivated."
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